Pressure Monitoring Caps

At the auto parts store recently I saw these automatic tire pressure monitoring caps on the impulse buy rack near the register. I’d seen them before, but never thought to pick any up since my wife and I religiously check our tire pressure — you can save a lot of gas, you know! This time I decided to grab a set to see if they worked, or if they did anything at all. The tire pressure monitoring caps are set to a specific tire pressure, which cannot be adjusted. They sell the caps with a number of preset pressures, so you should be able to find one that fits your application. The preset pressure is printed on the top of the cap nice and big so even a station attendant will know how you prefer to inflate your tires. So I grabbed a set and put them on one of our cars. They go right on, all you do is screw them on instead of your regular black valve caps. This set was calibrated to 36 psi. Before we installed the smart caps we set one tire to 36 psi, one to 30 psi, and another to 25 psi. We screwed the caps on and who would’ve guessed, they worked! Just like they claimed, the cap on the 36 psi tire indicated green, meaning it was filled correctly. The tire set to 30 psi showed half-green, indicating a tire needing air, and the tire with only 25 psi showed no green at all, telling you that you need air immediately. I have to say that I was impressed with the simplicity and low cost of these useful accessories. Tire pressure is one of the most neglected maintenance items, and something like this can turn a chore into a no-brainer. As long as you can deal with what I consider to be an ugly appearance, they seem to be great. News source: About Auto Repair

3 Mechanics 1 Tech

Once there were four auto mechanics: Manny, Moe, Jacques and Aaron. They all went to the Columbia School of Automotive Engineering together, and they all began their careers on the same day at Honest Ed’s Auto Repair.Manny, Moe, Jacques and Aaron shared a common dream: Each wished someday to work on a race car at the Indianapolis 500.After their first week at Honest Ed’s Auto Repair, Manny, Moe, Jacques and Aaron thought, “Wouldn’t it be great to have a subscription to Autos & Axles, the auto industry’s leading trade publication?”But, alas, Honest Ed’s Auto Repair refused to pay for such a subscription.“Why don’t we get a subscription ourselves?” suggested Aaron.“Are you crazy?” responded Manny, Moe and Jacques. “A&A is expensive! Why, we each would have to give up one beer per week to pay for it! We’ll just wait until we’re making lots of money in Indianapolis, and then we’ll get a subscription.”“Well,” said Aaron, “then I’ll get a subscription all by myself.” And so he did.After their first month at Honest Ed’s Auto Repair, Manny, Moe, Jacques and Aaron thought, “It sure would be terrific to have a copy of THE ART OF AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR, by the legendary mechanic, ‘Mercedes Mike’ St. Michaels!”But the book was very expensive and, alas, Honest Ed said there just wasn’t money in the budget to purchase it.“I know!” exclaimed Aaron. “Let’s each pitch in a few bucks and buy it ourselves!”“Are you nuts?” replied Manny, Moe and Jacques. “Why spend good money to learn what we already know? We’ll wait until we’re famous mechanics at Indy, and then we’ll write our own book!”“Well,” said Aaron, “then I’ll buy the book myself.” And so he did.One day after their first six months at Honest Ed’s Auto Repair, Aaron said, “Hey, guys! Look at the ad for this new wrench! I understand they’ve just started using this at Indy! Why don’t we get one?”“Have you taken leave of your senses?” chortled Manny, Moe and Jacques. “You know Honest Ed will never pay for it.”“Why don’t we pay for it ourselves? It’ll give us a big advantage over all the other repair shops in town.”Manny, Moe and Jacques exchanged a weary look. “We’ve got better things to do with our money,” they said. “Once we get to Indianapolis, then we can buy all the fancy wrenches we want. But knowing what a sucker you are, you’ll probably go ahead and get it yourself.”And so he did.One evening after their first year at Honest Ed’s Auto Repair, Manny, Moe and Jacques came upon Aaron in Repair Bay #2.“Hey, Aaron,” they said. “C’mon, we’re going down to the Pump & Piston to get good ’n’ drunk.”“No, thanks,” said Aaron. “I’m trying to figure out a faster and better way to service automatic transmissions.”“Why?” demanded Manny, Moe and Jacques.“That way I could do a better job for Honest Ed and for our customers.”“What’s your point?” asked Manny.“Why bother?” snorted Moe.“We’ll be working faster than anybody in the world when we’re at Indy,” insisted Jacques. “But if you want to stay here and play with transmissions, go right ahead.”So Aaron stayed behind and missed out on an evening that was so much fun that Manny, Moe and Jacques threw up for the next three days.A year and a half after they started at Honest Ed’s Auto Repair, an excited Aaron came upon Manny, Moe and Jacques and said, “Hey, guys! Guess what! There’s going to be a big Auto Mechanics Convention next month, and all the best mechanics from Indy will be there to demonstrate –”And at this, Aaron stopped. Suddenly he became aware of the expressions on Manny, Moe and Jacques’ faces, and he realized they were laughing at him.He turned and, still holding his convention registration form, walked away.“Have a good time at the big con-VEN-tion!” Manny, Moe and Jacques guffawed.Several years have passed since that first day when the four novice mechanics began working together.Manny, Moe and Jacques still work at Honest Ed’s Auto Repair.They still laugh at suckers who buy books about auto repair, fools who subscribe to automotive trade publications, and jerks who attend automotive seminars and conventions.And every year they receive a postcard from Aaron… postmarked, “Indianapolis.” News source: DanODay

Spark Plug Wires

Spark plug wires are pretty durable. They aren’t a moving part so they don’t wear out too often. A careful inspection of your plug wires can avoid any problems.The only thing that can really go wrong with a plug wire is a break in the insulation. The insulation (the rubber on the outside of the wire) keeps the electricity where it needs to be so it sparks on the inside of your engine, not someplace else before it gets there. If the insulation is cracked, the spark will jump off the wire, or arc, onto something metal under the hood. An arcing plug wire can cause a weak spark or no spark at all in the cylinder with the bad wire. This makes your car run rough and can affect your gas mileage. It can also cause unburned fuel to pass into the exhaust system where it can harm your catalytic convertor. There have even been stories that involve both a fuel leak and an arcing plug wire, resulting in a fire! It can happen.A good time to check your wires would be while you change your spark plugs. So do a quick inspection and save yourself some headache. Here’s how:With your engine off, start at the distributor end of the plug wire and work your way toward the plug end. You’re looking for anything that is not smooth, pliable rubber. Bend the wires slightly to be sure no cracks appear. Check the boots at the distributor end of the wires to be sure they are not torn or cracked. Finally, check the wires at the spark plug end one at a time by pulling it off the plug and inspecting the end for any tears or cracks. Also look to be sure there is no burning or darkening of the end. If you find any damage, it’s time to buy a new set. They can be as little as $20 or as much as $100+ for a set depending on your application. It’s worth the cost, though. A bad plug wire can be a little monster, it can even trigger your Check Engine Light. News source: About Auto Repair News source: About Auto Repair

Smart Car Repairs

Smart car repairs are changing the way customers have vehicles serviced at auto body shops. The acronym SMART stands for Small, Medium Area Repair Technique. This revolutionary car repair technique is saving customers’ money by repairing only damaged areas of a vehicle. There is no longer a need to repair an entire vehicle surface for a scratch on the bumper or a dent on the door panel. All vehicles experience the need for repairs somewhere down the line.Dents and scratches can damage more than the exterior of the vehicle. There can be considerable damage done to the monetary value of the vehicle as well. For this reason, it is highly advisable that car repairs be completed as soon as possible to prevent any further damage from occurring.Smart car repair services aide fleet operators, car hire services, car dealerships and consumers in obtaining inexpensive auto body work. This can be routine maintenance or large repairs caused by big dents or other exterior vehicle damage. Many utilize the services of a smart car repair shop for touch up work for cars, vans and motorcycles.A variety of car repairs can be completed utilizing this revolutionary technique. A few items on the list include:Scratches to door panels Scratches to front and back bumpers Scratches to wheel arches Dents to any portion of the vehicle exterior Smart car repairs are not limited to the cosmetic exterior of a vehicle. Interior blemishes can also be repaired. These include rips in the upholstery, small holes in plastic trim, windscreen chips and cigarette burns to seats, dashboard or other interior structures.Repairs are limited to the damaged areas of the vehicle only. This dramatically cuts down on the cost of auto body work as it creates less time consuming repair projects. Specially designed paints and chemical based paints can be matched virtually identically to existing paint. This eliminates the need to repaint the entire vehicle for a repair job in a tiny portion of the vehicle.This special paint dries in half the time of stock auto body shop paints. Repairs are done on site and all products needed are in stock. These two components alone significantly contribute to the dramatic cost saving methods of smart car repairs.Some of the costliest auto body repairs lie in damaged or broken bumpers and spoilers. Smart car repair utilizes plastic welding and finishing techniques on the original vehicle pieces. This process eliminates the need for auto body shops to send out for replacement parts. In return, customers are not stuck paying a bill that includes costs for the down time between ordering replacement parts and having them installed on the vehicle.Moving inside the vehicle, fabrics and upholstery can be repaired without needing to remove all of the interior fabrics, vinyl and leather. Cigarette burns, stains and spills brought on by everyday vehicle use can easily be repaired at little cost to the customer.Smart car repairs are changing the way auto body shops do business in the future. News source: Delco 2007

Regular Maintance On Hold

Wallets are getting tighter these days. Even for those of us who aren’t affected by economic woes, the price of gas will have you down right squinchy! A recent article quotes one shop owners saying his regular maintenance business is down because car owners are deciding to hold off because they are spending so much on gas. We know the gas prices are killing you, but don’t skimp on your regular maintenance! It may seem like you’re saving money, but maintenance is what keeps your car out of the shop. Skipping important maintenance jobs will end up costing you more money in the long run, and that doesn’t make much sense at all. So what’s the answer? Do it yourself! Most regular maintenance jobs are quick, easy and inexpensive. We can show you how to get them done, so you have no excuse. Performing your own scheduled maintenance can save money in many ways, but you’ll also be getting to know your car or truck better. This means you can catch problems before they get out of hand and you’ll be able to communicate much better with your mechanic should something need serious repair. News source: Auto

Lighting Strikes Vehicle

Q: My 2006 PT Cruiser got struck head on by a bolt of lightning on May 19, 2008. I had the car towed to the largest certified Chrysler dealer in Pensacola, Fl. It is now July 5, and it is not ready. I call every two to three days and am told that they are waiting for parts. They replace one part, and find another problem. I am concerned that a problem or two could exist after I pick up the car. Of particular interest to me are the airbags. How can they be tested? Please advise what I can do. Many thanks.John MesserliA: Wow! When lightning strikes a vehicle the results can vary widely. Considerable damage will likely occur to electronic modules and devices, in addition to wiring, as the bolt of lightning can contain up to 2 billion volts. What s surprising is that occupants inside a struck vehicle are relatively safe as long as they re not touching door handles or other metal parts. Many folks believe it s because of the rubber tires but it s actually due to the metal vehicle body directing the charge across its surface, similar to a Faraday cage (a conductive shield surrounding a protected area from static charge or lightning), and to the ground below through the tires. Corvette, Cadillac XLR and Saturn (pre-2008 and except Saturn Relay) owners are not afforded the same level of protection due to the use of composite body panels in their vehicles. Component damage can be readily apparent and sometimes take time to rear its head perhaps in a month or longer. My hope is your insurance company is familiar with this concern and will step up should future problems develop. It may be impossible to say for certain if a future failed component may fall under Chrysler s warranty or was due to this incident. Hopefully you won t be inconvenienced while the decision is juggled. I can appreciate your concern about the SRS (airbag) system. It does have self-diagnostic capability, which checks for general controller competency, complete and non-shorted circuits and installed components. It s difficult to know if the diagnostics are good enough to detect all possible faults in the controller, as the system doesn t become truly active until the instant it s needed. My hunch is the airbags could be trusted, as well as system wiring, as long as the SRS malfunction indicator stays off. It s the controller I d wonder about. Perhaps with enough persuasion this part could be renewed, if it hasn t been already. I m sorry to not be of more help. This is an unusual and iffy situation that I thought would be of interest to other readers. Please stay in touch so we can all learn from your experience. News source: Mercury News

Tool Box With Fridge

A new stainless steel tool box from Kobalt has a MP3 and satellite ready sound system and a fridge. What next a portable AC unit. Some of these boxes are getting to be so heavy they almost need a small motor to move them from place to place. I remember when we used to get upset about some stupid thing in the shop and we would say that’s why they put wheels on tool boxes so that are easy to move to a new shop. Today it requires a flatbed to move them. Don’t get me wrong the proper tool is a absolute necessity and as complicated as today’s vehicles are becoming today’s techs need all the help they can get and you might as well be comfortable as well. I remember my first box was a 3 drawer craftsman and I had to spread out my tools to make it look full. Now I have 3 drawers just for test equipment and I am retired. Sorry couldn’t find a price for the box. News source: Kobals tools

Tony Stewart

Office Depot &Old Spice going with Tony to Hass. I knew he was waving that Old Spice towel around for a reason. I would assume he is buying equipment only as I am sure he will gut the employee part of the business. I wonder if Zippy will go along. Apparently part of the deal was Home Depot had to stay at JGR or they would not release him. With the down turn in the economy and slow home building and repairs this sounded like a good deal to me. After Carl Edwards slapped Office Depot in the face I would suspect they are willing to step up to the plate and dump a ton of money which Tony will need to be successful. He has had a long term deal with Old Spice. I am sure it will take few years and a lot of dollars to make this a successful team but I think Tony is capable of hiring people to obtain this goal.

Hydrogen Facts

On first glance, hydrogen seems to be the ideal fuel for automobiles and other vehicles. It doesn’t seem like one could get any cleaner burning, since hydrogen burns (oxidizes) to form simply water vapor. Nothing else! No pollution! What a seeming advancement over our current internal combustion engines that put thousands of tons of pollutants into the Earth’s atmosphere, as well as giving off massive amounts of heat that contribute to global warming, and many other environmental problems.Hydrogen (H2) plus Oxygen (O) makes H2O, water, or actually, water vapor, at higher temperatures. And Hydrogen is actually capable of nearly meeting those high expectations.And there is even a concept, and somewhat of a device, called a Fuel Cell (originally conceptualized in the 1830s), which can use this reaction to generate electricity. During the 1960s, NASA developed Fuel Cells which produced electricity for spacecraft. They worked reliably and fine, but they were horrendously expensive. There have been people trying to make inexpensive versions ever since! In the early 1990s, some breakthroughs were found. The concept of a Fuel Cell is actually pretty simple. You provide a supply of hydrogen gas and oxygen gas (which is usually from the air) which are separate, with a unique barrier between them. The simplest version of a Fuel Cell is to allow the NUCLEUS of the hydrogen atom to pass through the barrier while not allowing the electron to also pass through. The electron is then caused to follow some DIFFERENT path to eventually get to where the nucleus had gone to, where the end result will be water molecules. The electrons are negatively charged, and when they are forced to follow that alternate path, they are MOVING CHARGE which is the same as an electric current. In words, it therefore seems quite simple to have a Fuel Cell produce electricity. However, in practical terms, there are lots of complications! It may still be ten or twenty years before any reliable technology will exist which has tolerable cost.But Hydrogen itself has an ENORMOUS disadvantage, as well as many smaller ones. It cannot really be considered a “fuel” at all! Yes, it IS, but it isn’t! It IS because of the exothermic chemical reaction described here. It ISN’T because it does not occur naturally. We have such an attachment to petroleum and natural gas and coal and uranium BECAUSE they exist naturally. We actually have the technology to manufacture petroleum, but it would be so involved and expensive to do that it would never be worth it. Hydrogen is very different. It is so chemically reactive that it IMMEDIATELY combines with nearly any other atom (ion, actually) that happens to be near it. So there is NO natural supply of Hydrogen, anywhere on Earth.Read on at the link this is one of the most informative sites on hydrogenCrew Chief News source: MB-Soft

Top Ten For Juan Pablo

10. Two lap penalty for “rough, but extremely funny and satisfying” driving.9. With the whole “Mo” lawsuit going on, you can’t punish the only living symbol of NASCAR “diversity!”8. Make him run The Coke Zero 400 at Daytona without fenders on his car.7. Have him write a handwritten apology to every single Kyle Busch fan and pay for postage…wait a minute…that’s no punishment!6. Require Juan to hand write a personal note to every single driver, owner, and fan who has thanked him. That should make him think twice next time!5. Start limiting the amount of “social time” he is spending with Jimmy Spencer.4. Punishment for what? He did nothing wrong!3. Make Juan Pablo count all the profits Brian France will realize fromJPM rivalries with other drivers.2. During the remainder of the 2008 season, require him to put his arm around Kyle Busch’s shoulder and repeat, “Say hello to my little friend,” for a new series of NASCAR promotional commercials.1. Award him 100 Bonus Points for “actions detrimental to Kyle Busch!” News source: Frontstretch

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