Folding Gas Can

We recently discovered a collapsible, disposable gas can at an auto parts store. The company claims that you can store this mostly cardboard container under your seat, then expand it to use as an emergency gas can. Interesting idea, but will it work? Is it safe? We put it to the test.What Exactly Is This Thing?Itzagascan, they tell you right in the name what it is. But will it really work? Safety is an issue when dealing with any type of fuel, so is this thing safe to use? Itzagascan comes fully collapsed. It’s about the thickness of a magazine. There are instructions printed on the outside describing how to assemble the can, how to fill it, and how to be safe with it. Sure, they got it to work under controlled conditions in some lab, but we wanted to see what you would be dealing with if you trusted this package that was stuffed under your car seat.Putting it to the TestWe tested Itzagascan for leaks and found by Matt Wright, 2008Unfolding Itzagascan was easy. You insert a couple of tabs into a couple of slots, then inflate the plastic bladder inside and you’re ready to fill it up. We took the can to the gas station and put 3/4 of a gallon in there. I think it ran around $14. So far so good, it filled right up, and sealed nicely. We put the filled can in the back of a pick up to simulate what would happen as you were taking the gas can back to your stranded car. No leaks. Then we used the can to put gas into the tank. it worked better than the $35 plastic can we bought in a pinch one night at a convenient store. Itzagascan’s plastic filler tube fits nicely into the car’s filler neck. While the new safety caps on plastic cans make it almost impossible to put gas in the tank without making a huge mess, our cardboard can was drip free. Amazing! Just to take the point further, we decided to fill it back up and let it sit to see if it would develop any leaks. While the company says never to leave the can filled for more than 24 hours, we kept it in a safe, well ventilated spot so we could see how it went. Here we are, more than a week later, and there’s a dry floor underneath Itzagascan. The VerdictItzagascan gets two big thumbs up. It weighs nothing, costs nothing, and takes up no space in your car or truck. But in a pinch it gets you out of trouble just as well as any pricey gas can. It was easy to use, very clean, and seemed completely safe when used according to the directions on the package. It’s safe to say this is a revolution in dealing with roadside emergencies. Just when you think there are no more good ideas out there, somebody throws Itzagascan at you and you realize there can still be genius around any corner. Get one today, it’s a great addition to your personal roadside assistance kit. News source: About Auto Repair

Women In Auto Repair

As customers, women play a significant role in the field of auto repair. While they make up just more than half of the US population, they deliver up to two-thirds of the vehicles brought in for maintenance or repair, according to Volvo. However, the number of female technicians is another matter entirely. Out in the shop or up front where they could work as service writers or as service managers, women are significantly underrepresented in the field. “I think this is because [car repair”> has never been considered a woman’s field, but that is changing,” says Jennifer Tio, president of the Car Care Council’s Women’s Board. Old MethodologyFor years, auto mechanics have been overwhelmingly male. Both men and women who have considered employment in the field have noted that the work was physically taxing, involving frequent heavy lifting and often requiring brute strength. It was dirty work, too. Mechanics could always be spotted by the grease and dirt under their fingernails. Times Have ChangedToday’s cars are different, and they require different approaches to servicing them. Mechanical systems that once required more muscle than intelligence to fix have become far more reliable and less needy of a mechanic’s attention. Today, car problems are more likely to be caused by a defective electronic sensor than a bad transmission. As Wade Hoyt, Toyota’s northeastern public relations manager, puts it, “The world of auto repair has gone from nuts and bolts to ohms and volts.” Auto service is now a brain game. Even the title of the people doing the work has changed — mechanics are now technicians. For many in the field, this transition has been difficult or even impossible. People skilled with a wrench may be stymied by a computer or voltmeter. Auto service departments increasingly need people with technical training in electronics, and the physical barriers women may have once felt when entering the field have largely disappeared. Women Are RespondingDrawn by good pay and ample challenges, there are now more female auto technicians than ever. “Over the last five years, we’ve seen an increase in the number of women [training to be auto technicians”>, but the number still isn’t where we’d like to see it,” says Mark Berardi, an admissions representative for the New England Technical Institute, a private vocational school that trains auto technicians. For those who do enter the field, the prospects are bright, according to Berardi. “There is absolutely a strong demand,” he says. “Service stations and dealers want to diversify.” They’ve noticed that most of their customers are women. The Car Care Council has also seen more women noticing the auto repair field. “Last year, the Car Care Council’s Women’s Board gave out its first scholarships, and we had many applicants,” Tio says. “Auto repair is becoming much more of a high tech field, and many women are becoming ASE certified.” Today, there is no reason why female auto technicians cannot be just as successful as, or even more successful than, male auto technicians. “The females in our program run circles around some of the guys,” Berardi says. He also notes that women often do much better with the communications skills increasingly necessary to succeed in the field. “This is a terrific, well-paying career for women,” Tio says. “I’ve been in the field for 18 years, and I’ve seen tremendous growth [in opportunities for women”>.” Think auto repair may be for you? Learn how to break into the field. News source: Monster Comm cast


Like any specialized field, auto repair has its own unique set of abbreviations. Used by professionals, the abbreviations can seem to create a completely different language. This can be frustrating for car owners who may not understand what’s being said and who find themselves too embarrassed to ask questions on their meaning.While you should always ask any question that pops in your head especially when dealing with something as important as auto repair, you can ease the embarrassment by studying up on some of the more common auto repair abbreviations.Now many car owners will encounter only specific abbreviations, usually ones dealing with parts. These abbreviations will probably be used when discussing the replacement of damaged items of your car and may even show up on your bill.OEM- Original Equipment Manufacturer. This simply means that the part is certified new by the manufacturer of the car. This is important for those owners wanting only new parts and that need an assurance of that fact.QRP- Quality Replacement Part. When mechanics use “QRP” it is used as a euphemism. What this really means is that the part is an aftermarket part.A/M- Aftermarket. An A/M is a part not made by the manufacturer of your vehicle.Now other abbreviations will be used when dealing with the actual maintenance of the vehicle. These abbreviations are second nature to many mechanics who may use them absent mindedly even to customers.A/F Ratio- Air/Fuel Ratio or Air to Fuel Ratio. A proper A/F Ratio is needed to properly start the car.CAT- Catalytic Converter. Back in the 1970s the United States started strengthening EPA standards concerning internal combustion engines. The CAT is used to turn toxic by products into something a little less toxic.DFI- Digital Fuel Injector. Fuel Injectors replaced carburetors back in the 1980s. The DFI relies on high pressure to mix the fuel and air where carburetors used low pressure.DTC- Diagnostic Trouble Code. As the name suggests, the DTC helps to identify any problems. The mechanic reads the DTC with the help of a scanner tool. The DTC consists of 5 digits.FIPL- Fuel Injector Pump Lever. This piece of equipment insures the continued operation and performance of the fuel injector pump. The fuel injector pump is responsible for getting the fuel from the tank to the injectors. This is critical for the vehicles continued performance.GPS- Global Positioning System. These systems are becoming more and more popular and are even featured in many of the newer model cars. Should there be something wrong with the GPS then you need to make sure that the mechanic understands how to work on it.hp- Horsepower. Horsepower is a measurement of power and is usually used to refer to trucks and some SUVs.Now, there are certainly numerous other abbreviations beyond what is listed here which you will no doubt hear while having your car service It is always a good idea to learn at least a handful of abbreviations before heading to a mechanic. A little knowledge goes a long way, after all, and by displaying some know how you will be able to understand the lingo and jargon of the auto repair shop. News source: Car Service

Most Common Problems

A car is an important investment, and next to owning a home, it is probably one of the most important investments you will ever have. With this being the case, it is vital to understand your vehicle and its servicing needs so you can protect your investment.Many vehicles, no matter the type, manufacturer, or even year, will have common servicing needs that will pop up over the lifetime of the car. By knowing these common ailments, you will be able to identify and fix any problems that may arise.Check Engine LightThe check engine light is the scourge of the DIY mechanic and, well, for anyone else as well. The reason is that this little light will come on for any number of reasons no matter how minor the problem is. This makes the check engine light really discouraging for those wishing to diagnosis the problem. Many car owners will just ignore the light all together instead of going to a repair garage. As long as the check engine light is not accompanied by other problem lights, strange smells, or odd noises, ignoring it should not cause any further damage. However, you can never be sure of that.The only way to tell what the check engine light is trying to tell you is by scanning the car’s computer for problem codes. These codes; all new cars and many of the older models will have this capability, will tell the mechanic where and what the problem is. A problem with the check engine light is actually one of the more common auto repair issues.Car Won’t StartAn aggravating problem with a number of causes and solutions is when the car just will not start. The most common remedies of this problem is to make sure the key is in the ignition and you actually started the car, but this tactic just may not be enough to solve the issue.A car that won’t start can suffer from a few different ailments which can be discovered by following a few logical steps. The car must first go through a series of steps before starting; a problem with any of these steps can cause the car to fail to start.If the engine fails to crank, then it can not start of course. The cause of this can be anything from a bad battery to a coolant leak. Now, if the engine cranks but does not start the culprit can be a lack of fuel, spark, or compression.Engine StallsAn engine that stalls is a common problem and is certainly frustrating especially if it only stalls occasionally. Overall, an engine needs three things to idle without stalling.These three requirements are: A Good Spark A Good Idle Speed A Good Fuel/Air Ratio Without those the engine will stall. Diagnosing the cause of a stalling engine may require scanning for trouble codes or by observing when the engine stalls and finding a pattern, if any, of the problem.AC Doesn’t WorkA malfunctioning air conditioner can be especially problematic for those drivers living in areas that are exceptionally hot or humid. Not only can this, but a problem with the air conditioning be a sign of some other problem. When troubleshooting AC problems look first is the refrigerant which may have leaked out. By patching the leak and filling the refrigerant the problem is solved.However, if the AC is still having a problem you will need to check the pressure and the wiring.Cars are high performance machines and will encounter problems from time to time. The trick is to identify these problems and repair them quickly to avoid any future malfunctions that will more then likely, be worse. Car owners should not be surprise to learn that Mazda service problems may be similar to their Toyota or other types of cars. This is beneficial as it makes identifing the more common vehicle problems easier for both trained mechanics and for those do it yourselfers. News source: Car Service

Men vs. Women: The Oil Change

Men vs. Women: The Oil ChangeNo matter what side of the chromosomal match you stand on, there’s no denying that men and women have different ways of going about the same task. There’s a reason for the old tale of the man refusing to ask for directions — it’s true. Never is the difference more apparent than in the case of the oil change. Here’s a play-by-play of the man-vs-woman oil change.Women: Stop at Starbuck’s on the way to the Super-Lube, order a decaf skim latte but go for a dab of whipped cream because you’ve been good. Sit in waiting room watching CNN and sipping delicious coffee drink. Twenty minutes later, pay with AMEX for the Sky Miles and leave with the job done and the whole day ahead of you.Men: Go to AutoZone and drop $47 for oil, a new filter, kitty litter, and a talking tire gauge (damned impulse-buy rack gets you every time). Go home, drive car onto oil change ramps and change into your college game-day shirt, which now feels like a size extra-medium. Discover you forgot to empty your last oil change from the oil container, so drive to back of Super-Lube and beg them to take your old oil. Get dirty look from 17-year-old punk and tell yourself what you’d do to him if he was 18. Drive home, back on ramps, then detour to fridge for a cold one. Gather tools and slide newly-emptied recycling container under oil pan. Realize you grabbed the wrong spanner to remove the oil drain plug, so you decide to use Vise-Grips since you’re already on your back. Unscrew drain plug, but fumble with it and soak forearm in not-quite-cool-yet motor oil. Lose drain plug in recycle container since you removed the screen to use for your failed bio-diesel lawnmower experiment. Have another cold drink to mourn failed bio-diesel lawnmower experiment and wait for oil to drain from engine. Look for oil filter wrench, but give up and stab filter with a screwdriver, then twist it off. Install new oil filter, making sure to apply a thin layer of new oil to the gasket. Almost done, remove oil cap and pour first quart into engine. Quickly realize your forgot to replace the oil drain plug. Race to reinstall plug with wrong wrench and skin knuckles on motor mount. Bang head on A-arm in reaction. Shoot across driveway on creeper and begin cussing fit. Throw wrenches into yard, then crawl through flower bed trying to find correct wrench for oil drain plug. Time for another cold drink (yeah, we mean beer). Tighten plug and add remaining oil. Watch wife pull into driveway with the smug look of efficiency on her face. Carry groceries into house. Smile, she bought more beer.Of course, all of that can be avoided by checking out our tutorial on changing your own oil. There’s no substitute for good preparation. News source: About Auto Repair

Mechanic Shortages

Mechanic shortages and find technitions is the new challenge in auto repair and service. What have you done to protect yourself? Tips from an insider.Mechanic Shortages? You Bet. Nothing is more serious than Labor issues. In Arizona the incoming Governor is poised to try to train skilled labor and set the bar higher for those jobs, which need filling. Everything from constructions to maintenance. For every 10 mechanics that leave or retire only three enter the market. Thus supply and demand is dictating increased wages, but not very much and certainly not as much as expected. Some is offset by low wage payers such as Wal-Mart oil changing technicians on the low end. But the Wyoming Automotive technical Institute tells me that there are many high paying jobs waiting for every graduate as a matter of fact they could never fill all the openings across the nation, they would need 10 campuses? Perhaps The University of Phoenix or some other technical college may fill the gap, but we need people now. Yes, our company, the Oil Change Guys needs them and so does the rest of the industry.The National Institute for Service Excellence has certified 430,000 mechanics so far, but many are already mechanics switching jobs and getting the certificate, same with the ASE program. One bulletin board in the Oil Change Industry is hammering on Wal-Mart for secretly visiting their facilities and leaving “come to work at Wal-Mart” cards around the shop, offering benefits, better hours, stock, etc. Quick Lubes are already seeing a price war brewing and some will not admit lost market share, but they have lost customers and should probably not blame the oil interval challenge or the economy as much and look at the big box store competition.Training on the low end for technicians to change oil is fairly easy, but a no-knowledge individual hurts production time and stands around and moves too slow, for at least a week or so, hurting volumes, sales and time to change. Most facilities are partnering skilled with unskilled in a mentoring program for one to tow weeks in the beginning, which usually has good results, we recommend a trainee to ride shot gun for one month before taking the truck units or van out by themselves on a scheduled fleet oil change route. It is serious business because whether fixed or mobile, you really live or die by efficiency.The average number of cars for the industry at a fixed facility is 41.1 cars a day based on a survey with plus, minus 10% accuracy done by National Oil News. I guess that sounds about right. However if you have a lube bay with competition down the street and a Super Wal-Mart, things could get a lot worse. We have seen prices as low as $10.99, but with average cost of goods sold at a Lube Facility estimated at $7.75 to $8.50 without labor or building where is the profit? There would not be any. So Wal-Mart is hoping for those oil change customers who spend an average of $82.22 during their one and one half hour wait to buy stuff in the store even if the average Wal-Mart is charging $12.99 for the oil change and making basically $ .50 on the oil change itself. Ouch.So what does this say to you, if you have labor, which runs slow or is not trained? It means do not expect high volumes, happy customers and repeats every 3000 miles. With G-4 coming and Jiffy Lube bundling everything in an 8-Bay facility with even engine overhauls. Where are you going to find labor? You are not, you will have to find nice. Polite, smart and good personality kids and train them yourself and then pay them enough to keep them. How much? You make the call based on your area. News source: 10000 Articles

Dent Removal

A car ding repair is easy to do if you have a good auto ding repair kit. Such repair kits are not so expensive; about $30 and it’s really easy to used. Such automobile ding repair kids can be purchased at most stores selling car parts or car accessories. The task you have to do is to pull or remove glue from the surface on all panels of the vehicle and most of these cheap ding repair items for sale today are really working for this purpose if the dents or dings are not too big. For small and medium dents or dings, ding puller devices provides a simple, cost efficient removal. Fortunately there is no need to access the underside of the panel.We see a trend today that more and more vehicle manufactures are using light gauge sheet metal in the construction of vehicles. In fact, it is not difficult to dent many new cars by simply leaning against them. The nice things about these dent/ding out, glue puller kits are that they give the do-it-your-selfers and car amateur enthusiasts a professional option to expensive dent removal services.There are also different kinds of ding or dent repair kit and each of them offers a tool for specific damage. So you must know which repair kit you need for fixing your specific problem. This is no big deal however, because the only thing you have to do is to tell the sales person in the auto part or accessory store what you’ll need to do and he or she will find the dent fix kit for your needs. To cover yourself completely, you can buy several of them, thus having a tool for any ding or dent problem your car might incur. If you purchase three different ding or dent fix kits, you’ll have what you need for all types of dent repair.How to use these kits? Here is what you do:apply a bead of glue to the pulling nibaffix the nib to the lowest area of the dent you’re going to fixthe ding repair tool slips over the threaded studa wing nut tool is threaded down pulling the metal upas soon as the dent is pulled out, a couple of drops of a release agent that normally is included in the kit is applied to the glue and the pulling nib will come right off. These dent fix kits are inexpensive and easy to use and they will not damage your factory finish. News source: AUTOTIPZ

Why Moms Crash

Talking on the cell phone. This is a no brainer why would you chat on your cell when you are driving with kids in the car or at any time for that matter. I think the nonuse of turn signals which I have noticed lately is a direct result of one hand being tied up holding a cell phone.Stalling car repairs.So the brakes are making a little noise. They can wait till I get this tank of gas paid for. A car has to stop if it doesn’t start that is a problem if it doesn’t stop that is a major problem.Sleep at home not on the road, even being the slightest bit drowsy can cause a lapse in judgment and can also cause you to be more confident in a situation then you should be if you are tired.Eating on the road.Yes drive throughs are convenient when you have kids in the car but when you leave the drive through do not keep driving pull over and park. Most places have a neat and clean parking lot to snack in. Fighting Kids Either let them fight or have a tantrum pull over to take care of it . Do not turn around or check them in the mirror; do not take your eyes off the road to attend to the children.

Less Spending On Car Repairs

Not only are Americans buying fewer vehicles as Fuel prices soar, they are putting the brakes on spending to repair the rides they have.Much to the dismay of repair shops and auto-parts retailers, the fact owners are hanging on to their cars and trucks longer hasn’t meant more repairs on aging vehicles.The shock of $4-per-gallon Fuel and a bleak overall economy have drivers spending less time on the road, which means they are able to cut back on regular maintenance. Fewer miles also mean fewer accidents, eating into another major revenue stream for repair shops.Add to that the generally improved quality of vehicles, and the biggest players in automotive parts and service stand to lose billions of dollars.AutoNation Inc., the nation’s largest auto retailer, recently said a decline in parts and service was partly to blame for a 33% slide in second-quarter net income. A decline in new-vehicle sales was the biggest driver.”Consumers are more cautious, and they seem to be putting off some of their maintenance-type spending,” AutoNation Chief Operating Officer Mike Maroone said. “Discretionary repairs are being put off.”Auto retailers have come to depend more on work paid for by customers rather than through manufacturer warranties as vehicle quality has improved. Customer-paid jobs often are either maintenance work or repairs following an accident.AutoNation’s customer-paid business was down 2% in the second quarter, while the warranty business fell 5.5%.Sonic Automotive Inc. said this month that declining service and parts revenue factored into the company’s decision to cut its earnings forecast for the year. On Tuesday, Sonic reported that second-quarter earnings from continuing operations slid to $20.1 million from $28.8 million. News source: WSJ online

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