I spent many hours on one of these in my younger days. The techs nowadays have them padded and I am surprised that someone has not powered one in some way.
Junk Box
Used to have a Tech who worked for me and his box looked like this. When starting a repair he would go to the top of his box a grab a handful of tools, most from the top, and complete the repair never returning to his box. Made me realize we use very few tools in our box except on occasion. He went on to work for a drag racer.
Favorite Rides
These are beyond a doubt my 2 favorite trucks. I was a Service Manage at a Dodge dealership and drove both of these and if I had to choose it would be the red express but only by a hair and I have had a black truck and they are hard to keep clean.
Electric Valve
Several are coming out with an electric controlled valve, more so in the more expensive models but I see it as a future addition to many models. I can foresee many problems with this. They are in a toxic environment and subject to excessive heat. One bright side is we wont have the moisture problems we have with ethanol and moisture in fuel injectors.
Big Hammer
Survival Reference Chart
I thought tis was very interesting but I do doubt some of the temps Coolant does not freeze at -36 maybe a little slushy, experimented with this many years ago and a 60-40 is the safest. Oils become thick when poured but will still lubricate. _38 in North Dakota when I idi this.
It Has To Come Loose
To Many Oils
Many oil companies are making outrageous claims about there oil, that I disagree with. Change your oil once a year, if you only drive your vehicle on long trips and not to often it may work for you, but if you drive normally in and out of town, it will shorten the life of your engine. Semi synthetic, many are less then 5% synthetic, Cheap oils from any auto parts store, not worth the money and cheap oil is cheap oil. Oil for high mileage vehicles MAY be worth the extra $ but I am not quite convinced.
If your vehicle is new use a quality synthetic, I use Mobil 1, or used car use a high-quality oil. I use Mobil 1 in my pickup and my wife’s car and Mobil extended performance in my 2 older cars.
Changing to our from synthetic is not recommended, you may end up with leaks or problems from sludge that synthetic can break loose. Synthetic to a regular oil is OK but I see no reason except for cost.
Changing the viscosity of your oil in a high mileage engine IE from 5-30 which is recommended to a 10-30. I really don’t have a solid answer on this one as it depends upon the engine. Many have upper cam problems, due to close tolerances. Changing to a 5-30 in extremely cold weather is OK. I switch my pickup.
OHMS law
Best explanation of OHMS law I have ever seen, now if we had one to explain batteries draw from the negative not power from the positive
1966 Dodge Crew Cab, I knew they existed but had never seen one and I worked at a Dodge dealership for over 10 years and have driven Dodge pickups forever. Tis one looks as if it in precent decent shape. It needs some dog dish wheel covers, many are looking for these nowadays and I remember when we had dozens in a pile.