A few predictions for 2012, I know I am late with them but wanted a few things to shake out before making a guess.The Dodge dart will wake up Ford and GM, the Focus and the Cruze are OK but they are not a MOPAR.Electric and EV will not take off like the manufactures hoped they would just too expensive and added expensive of charging stations are a hindrance. They need to do something about battery replacement costs also. If Ford can live up to the Fusions gas mileage claims, the mid forties, they will scare the rice burners and further set back the Hybrids. The V-6 will become the engine of choice for full size pickups and we will see a return of mid size. Nissans Frontier made a huge sales increase in 2011. The Ranger, slightly larger, and the Colorado will see a comeback, maybe not till 2013 but we are going to see a resurgence in mid size trucks. Saab is gone and sadly so are there parts supplies, several off brand companies have made an effort to purchase the company without any success. More computer apps will move into the automotive accessory list. Techs out there get prepared now. The days of nuts and bolts mechanics are numbered, the day of the geek tech is here. The new Corvette will flop, to spendy not enough bling for the buck. The shortage of qualified technicians will continue and to hire and pay those that are qualified will drive the cost of repair even higher. Shops are not that far from needing a computer Geek, I doubt if Best Buys Geek Squad can fill this need.