Tire Pressures

How many times a day do you walk past your tires, do you ever really look at them, with a few exceptions they are the least appealing part of your car. They are also one of the leading causes of accidents. Low tire pressure can be a killer if left unattended. There are many reasons why we don’t pay attention to the tires. Most do not have a compressor so it would require a trip to put air in; it is also to hot, cold, windy and many other excuses. It is one of those chores that is easy to put off, the garbage is noticeable so it has to be done but who knows if you check the tires or not. On the other hand nothing can ruin your day quicker than a flat tire, also today’s tires are really quite forgiving they can be low on air and still do their job. They of course will not have traction on rain, ice or snow as they would if they had the correct pressure, or if you are on an interstate ramp and the tire rolls off the rim you are in big trouble. Low profile tires are a different ball game, the quantity of air is considerably less and they need attention on a frequent basis more so in cold climates. Tire pressure increases with temperature so in the spring you may have to let some air out and increase pressure in the fall. Tire pressures can also increase up to 4# on the highway during warm weather. Tires seem to leak easier in cold weather worse with aluminum rims so again they need extra attention. Do not use a can of tire sealant except in an extreme emergency many of the gases in them are explosive and be sure to tell the tire repair shop you have used a inflator. Tire gauges come in many different types and prices. Almost any gauge will do the job but the cheaper ones will not last as long and may lose their accuracy after a short period. I use a digital (about $10.00) except in extreme cold then I use regular metal one. Checking the two on the same tire will assure their accuracy. The recommended tire pressure can be found on the door post of most vehicles or if you have had your tires replaced discuss recommended pressure with the shop that installed them. When you have new tires installed check the pressure many shops will run on the low side for a better ride. I run my tires about 6# less than the maximum for my highway car and right at the recommended pressure on the rest of my vehicle except for my pickup which I run on the low side. Hint: Next time you use your car walk around the passenger side and check the tires, we are always looking at the driver’s side.